Your hands are suffering: here is a homemade and easy cream
2 min read
The cold is coming, and you will start to feel its impact on your hands. Crackling, chapping, cracks, dryness. In short, your hands take the brunt of this drop in temperature. To protect yourself, or to relieve yourself, what better than creams? Yes, but which ones? Industrial? Natural? Houses ? If this choice is yours, we would still like to offer you this easy-to-make, homemade cream with a beautiful herbal base.
The fragility of the hands
Hands are constantly exposed to climatic hazards , temperature differences, water and many other factors that can act in a harmful way . The skin on your hands is thin and fragile , so it should be protected and moisturized often to avoid dryness and other problems. It is therefore important to:
Eliminate dead skin regularly (scrub with sugar or coffee grounds).
You can also apply creams to moisturize , nourish and protect your skin. However, most of the products sold commercially come (as always…) from the oil industry . In view of the current climate, it is therefore preferable to turn to healthy, organic products and even better: that you make yourself !
Sweet almond oil to moisturize your skin
Make no mistake about it, the cold dries out your skin enormously. So remember to moisturize your hands. To do this, sweet almond oil is a good option.
Mix the different elements, and place them in the pot. Be careful, if you don’t have enough shower almond oil to cover three tablespoons, reduce the number of drops of essential oil as well.
The choice of products
Thanks to this cream, you will be able to moisturize your skin with natural products , however be sure to see the mention “ essential oil ” and not “ Based on ” on the bottle and as well as “ 100% pure and natural ” products. These mentions assure you of a quality product.
You can also turn to products bearing the mention “slow cosmetics”. This mention assures you of an organic, ecological and healthy product for your skin.
The final word
Your skin deserves the best and healthiest. With the cold that has just hit us hard, we have to think about protecting ourselves. With this cream you can at least make up for the damage of the last few days.